Once again a beautifully sunny day for our hockey match – again against a strong opposition – home Vs Bristol Firebrands.

The game started off positively, especially as Herbie’s flight from Nice hadn’t been cancelled, meaning Kez could breathe knowing she didn’t have 2 games in goal!

Firebrands came out strong, but we held them off with some lovely passages of play.  Unfortunately that didnt contain them for long and they managed to score their 1st from one of many short corners.  Their second came from questionable stick work in the D, wrong footing Herbie.

We pulled one back thanks to a great passage of play, all the way from the back to the front, Lucy deciding to play rugby with their goalie, luckily the ball eventually finding the back of the net by Vee.

The second half was much scrappier, Firebrands pressuring in 3s causing panic on the ball. However, we contained their attack, conceding only 1 more goal, finishing 3-1 to the visitors.

MOM: Anna Brogden, for constantly fighting for the ball all match.

DOD: Gill Hutchings (me), for mistaking her chin for her stick when trying to control an aerial ball 🤪

Written by: Gill Hutchings.

Categories: Match Reports