Plock Court
DayGroupPitchStart TimeEnd TimeStart DateFinal Date
TuesdayL3Plock Court1900203003/09/2410/12/24
Men 1/2Plock Court2000213003/09/2410/12/24
WednesdayBoys U10/U12 Mixed U8Plock Court1830193004/09/2411/12/24
L4/L5Plock Court1930210004/09/2411/12/24
ThursdayL1/L2Plock Court1900203005/09/2412/12/24
King’s school
TuesdayGirls 12-U16King’s School1800193003/09/2410/12/24
Ladies PerformanceKing’s School1930210003/09/2410/12/24
WednesdayBoys 12-U16King’s School1800193004/09/2411/12/24
M3/M4King’s School1930210004/09/2411/12/24
ThursdayU10/U12 girlsKing’s School1830193005/09/2412/12/24

NB L3 training session overlaps with M1/2 session on Tuesday nights unless pre organised

There will be no junior sessions during half term weeks w/c 21/10/24 and w/c 17/02/25

Adult training start and end data subject to change depending on league fixtures.

Training dates and any time changes will be amended at Xmas

Training slots have been designed this season to have an early junior session followed by a senior session. There is an expectation that teams will manage volunteers between themselves to help and support the club coaches in the junior sessions prior to their own.