As you will be aware, Hockey is now at Step 4 of England Hockey’s Return to Play Guidance.
With the right steps, competitive activity can resume – both training and matches.
Anyone wanting to be involved in Gloucester City hockey must sign an England Hockey Participation Agreement before you participate (this only needs to be done once), where you agree to the terms and conditions and Code of Ethics and Behaviours.
You can sign up Here
Parents may of course complete the form for children.
It may take up to 24 hours from the participant registering to filter through to the list. This means you must register at least 24 hours in advance of attending sessions.
England Hockey has produced information on how we will move forward regarding Covid-19; this information can be found following this Link.
Should you have any queries regarding Covid-19, as required by England Hockey, Gloucester City Hockey have appointed Gill Hutchings as the Covid-19 officer, she can be contacted by email: [email protected].